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Saturday, August 27, 2011

SAMPAH 014 - Love in a Marriage

“Tidaklah begitu penting untuk kamu mengahwini perempuan yang kamu cintai. Apa yang lebih penting ialah mencintai perempuan yang kamu kahwini”

- Ustaz Hasrizal via akak ngokngek

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SAMPAH 013 - Imaan

Imaan is like an airplane ride. The higher up you go, the smaller things in the world will look.

-akak ngokngek

SAMPAH 012 - Days

Don't count the days, make the days count.

-Muhammad Ali ; jiran akak ngokngek :P

Monday, August 15, 2011


Allah's laws are for all of humanity
NOT only for Muslims!
Prophet Muhammad was chosen by Allah to lead humanity
Not just Muslims!

Islam is syumul!
Islam is complete!
There is no weaknesses!

To say that we can't practice the laws of Allah is preposterous.

We are SLAVES of Allah!
Know our place!

We are in no position to question Allah's laws and their compatibly in our daily lives.
It is we that must adjust our lives to the laws of Allah.
Even denying one small rule is like saying WE KNOW BETTER THAN ALLAH.

Astagfirullah brothers and sisters. Can we call ourselves Muslims if we don't abide by Allah's laws?

We need to be reminded of that. We need to be reminded that we ARE SLAVES!

SAMPAH 011 - Hikmah & Redha

Usah difikirkan hikmahNya jika masih belum boleh meredhai ketentuanNya